Meet Dawn Darling

For over 20 years Dawn has conducted readings for her clients around the world. Her journey as a messenger for heaven has touched many hearts. Her mission to connect people to their loved ones in the spirit world has seen her support many people through the loss of their loved one.

Dawn grew up aware of the spirit world and she had many childhood experiences that held a massive amount of responsibility at such a young age. At just 2 years of age she met her first spirit who passed away in one of the UK's biggest child abduction cases in the 70's. This little girl who had only lived yards away became a regular visitor to Dawn's home.  Dawn moved through her teenage years having many psychic visions occur. At just 17 years of age under the support of her mum, she became one of Ireland's youngest Reiki Masters at that time. In 2003, having had a dream where her son passed away, just a week before he was born, her life changed dramatically and the spirit world awakened her to her dormant mediumistic abilities.

She went on to continue her work as a medium who works with criminal cases, such as murders, and missing people. She assisted on cases around the world including, high profile cases in Ireland, and continues to do so. 

Since 2014  Dawn has evolved into Ireland's leading Trance Medium, which is a rare form of Mediumship, that allows the Spirit World to speak directly through her in a Trance-like state. Imagine Whoopi Golberg in Ghost!!! That's Dawn, with so much more spirit power behind it. It's described as like watching a medium working within a medium by the many people who have witnessed her gift. 

Anything can happen in an evening with Dawn and The Spirit World. From songs that help you remember your loved one, to messages full of evidence and humour, to meeting her spirit guides Elwin & Florence in trance, these are nights that will change your outlook on life after death forever. 

Dawn & Her Mum Mary Ananda Shakti at an eveing with spirit. The orbs validating spirits presence.       Mary is the founder of Laughter Yoga Ireland and has appeared on Nationwide TV. 

Messages From Heaven